
Horizon Wings

Raptor Rehabilitation & Education
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi


Educational Programs


Ever wish you could experience the thrill of being up close to a magnificent eagle, hawk, falcon, or owl? Well, this is your opportunity! Horizon Wings will bring a variety of environmental programs featuring these extraordinary birds right to your classroom, library, outdoor center, garden club, or home. All of the program birds in our care are unable to survive in the wild, but have overcome their individual challenges and have learned to adapt to their new lives as feathered ambassadors. Be inspired by their individual stories of survival, explore fascinating facts about each species, and learn what you can do to help them.

Each program is age-appropriate, interactive, and content can be customized to complement classroom curriculum. Programs are approximately one hour in length, with the exception of programs for the very young, and there is ample opportunity for asking and answering questions. All programs include a segment on the environment and ways we can all help to keep it safe and clean. In addition, at your request, we will also bring a special guest---our mascot, Beamer, the Eastern box turtle.

We also offer educational programs and tours at our facility by appointment only.

Because we are a non-profit organization, we do charge a fee for our programs. The revenue from these programs is being used for the care of the birds and to support the organization's operation.

Program Fees: Although Horizon Wings is licensed by the State of Connecticut and U.S. Fish & Wildlife, we are not funded by either. Therefore, we rely on program fees to help support our all-volunteer, non-profit organization. Please call Mary-Beth at 860-429-2181 or HorizonWingsRaptorRehab@GMAIL.COM for more information.

Due to the Outbreak of HPAI Highly Pathogenic strain of Avian Influenza (H5N1) we will not be holding outdoor programs.

Waterfowl (ducks, swans, geese), Shorebirds and gulls are the primary reservoir for HPAI viruses. They often look healthy but are shedding virus in their oral, nasal and fecal secretion. Raptors are also susceptible to HPAI and they are much more likely to have severe symptoms that lead to death. Any raptors seen with neurological signs such as depression, apathy, reduced appetite, slightly bloody exudate from the trachea, difficulty breathing, twisted neck (torticollis), head tilt at an angle, circling, incoordination (ataxia), leg/wing paralysis, tremors, inability to stand, arching of the back (opisthotonus), and seizures. Any of these species found exhibiting neurologic symptoms should be reported to the DEEP 860-424-3031. Please do not touch these birds yourself.
Symptoms in domestic birds may include;
Decreased egg production and/or soft or misshapen eggs
Swelling of the head, eyelids, comb, wattles and hocks
Purple discoloration of the wattles, combs and legs
Nasal coloration, coughing, sneezing
Contact the state veterinarian at 860-713-2505 or or USDA Veterinary Services at 1-866-536-7593 to report sick and dead birds. Assistance is available at no charge.
For more information Avian Influenza in CT

SUMMER NOTE: When temperatures reach above 80, we must consider the health of our birds,
so tours, events, and programs must be able to be adjusted to keep our birds safe. We appreciate your understanding.

Sunday & Monday - closed, Friday - Tours only

November thru March - no late afternoon or evening programs

Our Programs

(click on the + to expand the program description)

You’re certain that you’ve spied a Cooper’s Hawk with its prey, but could it actually be a Peregrine Falcon? There’s a dark silhouette in the sky. Is it a vulture or is it an eagle? Perhaps it’s just a case of mistaken identity. Learn the tips and tricks to be able to spot the differences. Explore with us the defining features of those raptor species most commonly mistaken for each other. This hour-long program features 4 birds: a Peregrine Falcon and a Cooper’s Hawk or an Eagle and a Vulture or an American Crow and a Common Raven; as well as 2 other raptors, either of your choice or ours.

What are the features all raptors have in common? You can design a program of your own by choosing four raptors. Learn their individual stories as well as the characteristics and behaviors of each species.

It seems that owls have always been surrounded by an air of mystery, probably because most are nocturnal and not easily spotted in the wild. This is your chance to be only a few feet away from a Northern Saw-Whet Owl, an Eastern Screech Owl, a Barred Owl, a Barn Owl and a Great-Horned Owl! Discover the extraordinary features of owls, including exceptional eyesight, hearing, and ability to fly silently.

What makes a bird able to fly? Explore the differences in the flying and hunting techniques of four species of raptors, including an American Kestrel, a Peregrine Falcon, a Red-Tailed or Broad-winged Hawk, and an owl. What makes an American Kestrel able to “kite”? What are the special anatomical features that make the Peregrine Falcon the fastest creature on the planet?

What do the classifications “threatened” and “endangered” really mean? We feature an American Kestrel, a Peregrine Falcon, a Northern Saw-Whet Owl, a Barn Owl and a fourth bird of your choice. What caused the drastic decline of the Peregrine Falcon populations in North America in the 1960’s? Learn which species of raptors are currently on Connecticut’s threatened and endangered list and ways in which we can help to promote their survival.

This 30- to 40-minute program is suitable for pre-schoolers, ages 3-5. We feature three of our smaller raptors along with a story that teaches children what to do if they find a baby bird.

Did you know that crows are capable of recognizing and remembering individual faces and can teach their children which individuals to avoid? Far from being “hard-wired” as previously thought, recent research proves that birds actually possess sophisticated cognitive abilities. Indeed, responding to changing conditions by changing the way they act, is often crucial to their survival. Join us as we compare and contrast the fascinating qualities of avian intelligence among three different species of birds: an American Crow, a Peregrine Falcon, and an owl.

Entertain and educate at the same time with one of our Owl Birthday Parties. Children (and adults) will experience 4 live owl species native to Connecticut. We will bring owl pellets for the children to dissect as well as touchable artifacts to enhance the learning experience. Substitutions of other birds may be made when booking a party, and at the discretion of Horizon Wings.

Explore the world of raptors that share the same habitat but are active at different times – day and night. Falcons, hawks, and eagles often occupy the same territories as nocturnal owls: hardwood or mixed forests, pastures and marshlands, and even our suburbs and urban areas. Learn about what makes each species successful in its environment and the special adaptations they have for being diurnal or nocturnal.

Explore the world of raptors from the comfort of your own home. Join us for this 30 minute program including 3 of our Ambassadors. We will highlight their stories and learn about these hawks, eagles, falcons, owls, and other birds at Horizon Wings. Everyone, young or old, teachers, students, families, and scouts can learn something new from this virtual program.